Understanding Distilled Water and Low TDS Water for Hydrogen Machines

Understanding Distilled Water and Low TDS Water for Hydrogen Machines

What is Distilled Water?

Distilled water is water that has been purified through the process of distillation. This involves boiling the water and then condensing the steam back into a liquid, effectively removing impurities and minerals. The result is ultra-pure water with a Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) level close to zero. Distilled water is commonly used in medical and laboratory settings where the highest purity is required.

What is Low TDS Water?

Low TDS water refers to water that has a very low concentration of dissolved solids, ideally with a TDS level of less than 1 part per million (PPM). These dissolved solids can include minerals, salts, and organic matter. For hydrogen machines, using water with a TDS level of less than 1 PPM is crucial to ensure maximum purity and efficiency.

Distilled Water and Low TDS Water: Essentially the Same

For practical purposes in hydrogen machines, distilled water and low TDS water with a TDS level of less than 1 PPM are essentially the same. Both types of water offer the high purity required for optimal performance and longevity of your hydrogen machine. Using either distilled water or low TDS water ensures that no impurities or minerals are present that could potentially damage the machine or affect its efficiency.

Why is Distilled Water Important for Hydrogen Machines?

Hydrogen machines require high-purity water to function efficiently and safely. Using distilled water ensures that no minerals or impurities are present that could potentially damage the machine or affect its performance. Here are some key reasons to use distilled water in your hydrogen machine:

  1. Prevents Mineral Build-Up: Minerals present in regular tap water can build up inside the machine, leading to blockages and reduced efficiency.
  2. Ensures Optimal Performance: Pure water allows the machine to generate hydrogen more effectively, ensuring you get the maximum benefits from your device.
  3. Prolongs Machine Life: By preventing mineral deposits and corrosion, distilled water helps extend the lifespan of your hydrogen machine.

The Role of Low TDS Water in Hydrogen Machines

While distilled water is ideal, low TDS water with a TDS level of less than 1 PPM can also be used in hydrogen machines. It provides a high level of purity that is almost equivalent to distilled water. Here’s why low TDS water is a viable option:

  1. Reduced Impurities: Low TDS water has minimal dissolved solids, reducing the risk of mineral build-up and contamination.
  2. Improved Efficiency: Using water with a TDS level below 1 PPM helps maintain the machine’s efficiency and performance over time.
  3. Accessibility: Low TDS water is often more accessible and cost-effective than distilled water, making it a convenient choice for regular use.

How to Measure TDS in Water

To ensure you are using water with the appropriate TDS level, it is essential to measure the TDS of your water source. TDS meters are widely available and easy to use. Simply dip the meter into a sample of your water, and it will provide a reading of the dissolved solids in PPM. For optimal results in your hydrogen machine, aim for a TDS level below 1 PPM.

Best Practices for Using Water in Hydrogen Machines

  1. Regularly Check Water Quality: Use a TDS meter to ensure the water you are using meets the required purity standards.
  2. Follow Manufacturer’s Guidelines: Always refer to the machine’s manual for specific water requirements and recommendations.
  3. Routine Maintenance: Perform regular maintenance on your hydrogen machine, including cleaning and descaling, to keep it in top working condition.


Understanding the importance of using distilled or low TDS water in your hydrogen machine is crucial for its longevity and performance. By following these guidelines and ensuring you use the right type of water, you can maximize the benefits of your hydrogen therapy and maintain the efficiency of your machine.

For more information on how to maintain and optimize your hydrogen machine, visit our YouTube channel or contact our customer support team.