Health and Hydrogen: HAH 3000 Hydrogen Machine Rental Program

Health and Hydrogen: HAH 3000 Hydrogen Machine Rental Program

At Health and Hydrogen, we are dedicated to providing innovative and accessible solutions for those in need of therapeutic treatments, particularly for cancer patients. Our HAH 3000 hydrogen machine rental program is designed to offer an affordable and flexible option for patients who can benefit from hydrogen therapy. While our primary focus is on supporting cancer patients, this program is also open to individuals suffering from other diseases who can benefit from hydrogen inhalation therapy. By offering this rental scheme, we aim to make this advanced treatment accessible to a broader range of patients, ensuring they receive the care and support they need.

Initial Payment Breakdown: 

1. Security Deposit:
 – Amount: USD 1500
 – Description: This is a refundable deposit required to secure the rental of the hydrogen machine. The full amount of USD 1500 will be returned to the patient upon the successful return of the machine at the end of the rental period.

2. One-time Processing Fee:
 – Amount: USD 250
– Description: This is a non-refundable fee that covers the administrative costs associated with setting up the rental agreement and processing the order.

3. Shipping Charges:
 – Amount: USD 250
 – Description: This fee covers the cost of shipping the hydrogen machine to the patient’s location.

4. Total Upfront Payment:
– The total upfront payment will be the sum of the security deposit, processing fee, and shipping charges. This totals USD 2000. Out of this, USD 1500 is refundable.

Monthly Rental Schemes:

1. 6-Month Rental Scheme:
Monthly Payment:
  – Amount: USD 350 per month
  – Description: During the initial 6-month rental period, the patient is required to pay a monthly fee of USD 350. This amount is due each month and covers the use of the HAH 3000 hydrogen machine.
 – Minimum Commitment:
  – Duration: 6 months
  – Description: The 6-month scheme requires a minimum commitment period of 6 months. This means that the patient must agree to rent the machine for at least 6 months. Early termination of the rental agreement is not permitted within this period, ensuring that patients can fully benefit from the therapy during this time.
 – Post-Commitment Period:
  – Amount: USD 250 per month
  – Description: After the initial 6-month commitment period has ended, patients have the option to continue renting the hydrogen machine at a reduced rate of USD 250 per month. This allows for continued access to the therapy at a more affordable monthly cost. The patient can choose to extend the rental on a month-to-month basis, providing flexibility in their treatment plan.

2. 12-Month Rental Scheme:
 – Monthly Payment:
  – Amount: USD 250 per month
  – Description: Under the 12-month rental scheme, the patient will pay a monthly fee of USD 250. This fee is due each month for the entire duration of the 12-month commitment period, offering a cost-effective solution for long-term use of the hydrogen machine.
 – Minimum Commitment:
  – Duration: 12 months
  – Description: The 12-month scheme requires a minimum commitment period of 12 months. This means that the patient must agree to rent the machine for at least 12 months. Early termination of the rental agreement is not permitted within this period, ensuring a stable and extended period of therapy.
 – Post-Commitment Period:
  – Amount: USD 200 per month
  – Description: After the initial 12-month commitment period has concluded, patients have the option to continue renting the hydrogen machine at a further reduced rate of USD 200 per month. This option provides an ongoing cost-effective solution for continued therapy, allowing the patient to extend the rental agreement on a month-to-month basis as needed.

Application Process:

1. Application Form:
– Patients must fill out an application form to apply for the rental scheme. This form will include basic information about the patient, their condition, and their contact details.

2. Nomination of a Backup Person:
– The applicant must nominate a backup person who can take responsibility for the machine if the applicant is unable to do so. This backup person should be someone close to the patient, such as a family member or close friend.

3. Zoom Call Agreement:
– The application form will include an agreement for a Zoom call as the second step of the application process. This call will involve:
1. A representative in the applicant’s country who will assist with the setup and eventual return of the machine.
2. The nominated backup person, who will share responsibility for the machine’s return if needed.
– During this call, the applicant and the backup person will meet with the support representative, who will provide guidance on the setup and return process.

Return Policy:
  • End of Commitment Period:

 – Description: At the end of the minimum commitment period (either 6 months or 12 months), the patient has the option to return the machine.

  • Refund of Security Deposit:

  – Amount: USD 1500

  -Description: Upon the return of the machine in good working condition, the patient will receive a full refund of the security deposit of USD 1500. The cost of shipping the machine back to Health and Hydrogen must be borne by the patient. The refund will be processed once the machine is received at the premises of Health and Hydrogen and a complete quality review of the machine is conducted. This review will take 7 days from the date of receipt of the machine. If the patient misses any of the monthly rental payments on time, the refund amount shall be forfeited.

  • Continued Rental Option:

  – Description: If the patient chooses to continue renting the machine after the minimum commitment period, they will continue to pay the respective monthly fee (USD 250 for the 6-month scheme and USD 200 for the 12-month scheme). The security deposit will still be refundable when the machine is eventually returned.

Key Points to Remember:
  • Refundable Deposit: The USD 1500 security deposit is fully refundable upon the return of the machine in good working condition.
  • Commitment Period: The patient must commit to a minimum rental period of either 6 months or 12 months, depending on the chosen scheme.
  • Post-Commitment Rental: After the minimum commitment period, the rental fee is USD 250 per month for the 6-month scheme and USD 200 per month for the 12-month scheme.
  • Processing Fee: The USD 250 processing fee is non-refundable and covers administrative costs.
  • Shipping Charges: A flat shipping fee of USD 250 is required upfront.
  • Backup Person: The applicant must nominate a backup person who will share responsibility for the machine’s return. This person must participate in the initial Zoom call and provide their driver’s license and contact details.
  • Nasal Cannula: One nasal cannula will be provided with the machine. If additional cannulas are needed, they must be purchased separately. The nasal cannula should be kept by the patient upon returning the machine.

Handling Machine Issues During Rental:

At Health and Hydrogen, our team is dedicated to ensuring that the hydrogen machine operates smoothly throughout the rental period. If any issues arise with the machine during the rental, our team will make every effort to resolve them through remote voice and video calls. Should it be determined that there are unresolved issues with the machine, the rental charges will be paused from the date the problem is reported until the date it is resolved. If for any reason the team at Health and Hydrogen is unable to fix the problem remotely, we will replace the machine at no additional cost to the patient. Our commitment is to provide continuous and effective therapy without any interruptions or added expenses to our patients.

Labels and Packaging:
  • Deposit Protection Label:– Upon payment of the deposit, a label will be sent to the patient. This label, which says “Do not throw away,” should be affixed to the machine’s box to ensure it is kept for the safe return of the hydrogen machine.
  • Return Label:– A return label with the address and phone number for the return destination will be provided during the setup call. This label should be applied to the box to facilitate the return process.

This rental program is designed to provide flexible and affordable access to the HAH 3000 hydrogen machine, ensuring patients can benefit from the therapy without a significant initial investment. The security deposit ensures that patients will have peace of mind knowing they will get their money back upon returning the machine.