Understanding Flow Rates of Hydrogen Inhalation Machines

Understanding Flow Rates of Hydrogen Inhalation Machines

At Health and Hydrogen, we frequently receive questions about the flow rates of our hydrogen inhalation machines. Here, we address some common queries to help you better understand how our machines operate, focusing on the technical aspects that influence performance.

Why Don’t I Feel the Flow of Hydrogen?
Many users express concern that they cannot feel the flow of hydrogen. This concern arises primarily due to the unique physical properties of hydrogen:

  • Hydrogen’s Lightness: Hydrogen is the lightest element on the periodic table, with an atomic number of 1 and an atomic weight of approximately 1.008. Because of its extremely low density, hydrogen gas is less perceptible to human touch compared to heavier gases like oxygen or nitrogen. The molecular mass and density of hydrogen (0.08988 g/L at STP) are significantly lower, making the flow less tangible even at higher flow rates.
  • Molecular Diffusion: Hydrogen molecules (H2) are small and diffuse quickly. This rapid diffusion can result in the gas dispersing before it can be felt, especially at lower flow rates. The high diffusivity of hydrogen also contributes to its ability to quickly mix with air, further reducing the sensation of flow.

Issues with Switching Between Different Flow Rates
Another common query involves the apparent lack of change when switching between 1L, 2L, and 3L flow rates. Here are the technical details behind this phenomenon:

 1. Hydrogen’s Physical Properties: As previously mentioned, the light nature of hydrogen gas makes changes in flow rate less perceptible. Users might not feel a significant difference when adjusting from 1L to 2L or 2L to 3L.
 2. Voltage Regulation and PEM Electrolyzer Cell:
  – Flow Rate Control: The flow rates in hydrogen inhalation machines are regulated by the voltage supplied to the Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) electrolyzer cell. The PEM electrolyzer generates hydrogen through electrolysis of water, with the hydrogen production rate directly related to the current and voltage applied.
  – Voltage Adjustment: When you change the flow rates, the voltage supplied to the PEM cell does not increase instantaneously. The voltage is incrementally adjusted over a period of a few minutes to protect the integrity of the electrolyzer cell and ensure a stable output. This gradual adjustment prevents sudden surges that could damage the cell.
  – Monitoring Flow Rates: Because of this gradual adjustment, the actual hydrogen flow rate should be monitored approximately 5 to 10 minutes after changing the setting. This allows the machine to stabilize at the new voltage level, ensuring accurate delivery of the desired flow rate.

Variations in Flow Rates After Periods of Non-Use
Some users report variations in flow rates after not using the machine for an extended period. This issue can be attributed to several factors:

  • System Adjustment: After periods of inactivity, the internal components of the machine, including the PEM electrolyzer cell and flow control mechanisms, may require time to recalibrate. This recalibration process ensures that the flow rate is accurately set according to the selected level.
  • Voltage and Current Stabilization: The machine’s control system is programmed to protect the PEM electrolyzer by gradually adjusting the voltage and current. Upon restarting after a period of non-use, the machine may take a few minutes to stabilize these parameters, resulting in initial variations in flow rate perception.
  • Regular Usage Recommendations: To maintain optimal performance and prolong the life of the hydrogen cell, we recommend using the machine for at least 10 minutes every day. Regular usage helps prevent build-up or drying of the electrolyzer membrane, which can affect performance. Prolonged periods of inactivity can lead to minor issues that require the machine to readjust when turned on again.

By understanding these technical aspects, you can ensure optimal performance and longevity of your hydrogen inhalation machine. For further assistance or any other queries, please contact our support team.